With this idea, i started with the kid and how he looks supprised and even shocked. I started looking at images to see what something could be to make him supprised. This image of three people was the best image that worked because you cannot exactly tell what they are doing.
This is an idea that I got from my allergies. When you look at both of these images, you probably immediately think the flowers are better, however with me, they are about the same. I do like the beauty in the flowers, but their smell would probably give me a headache. This is why I chose the word nettle which means "to irritate." Both of thest images irritate me, but in different ways.
With this idea, I decided to show two different possible situations for the word. Felicity is a synomym for happiness or merriment. I used two different pictures to show different ways this word can be shown.
I originally used this word in connection with just the first image to say about it being mysterious. I then realized that necromantic can have some spiritual or even religious context, so I showed that with the image on the right with the pillars looking like some sort of temple or other place of worship.
With this idea, I had a thought about connecting the present with the past. When you look at the blackboard image, you obviously think of science or math, but when you look at the right image, you do not think that. It has more of a "magical" feel to it. I decided to put these together to say "What if what we called magic back in time, is what we call science today?"
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